A lifelong learner with a special interest in personal growth and development, Julie began her exploration of healing modalities over 20 years ago. She has experienced and employed various modalities including Reiki, Spiritual Response Therapy, Bach Flower
Essences, Perelandra Essences, Young Living Essential Oils, The Body Talk System, Soul Retrieval, Past Life Regression, Shamanic Journeying, and Abraham Hicks conferences. Through her application of these modalities to create energy shifts, healing,
and experience business growth and personal self-empowerment, Julie was led to form Clear Intuition LLC.
Julie works with clients seeking to connect with and deepen their ability to trust their intuition and use it as a guide for developing
their businesses, their teams, and enhancing the richness of their lives. Embracing principles of authenticity, personal empowerment, speaking your truth, and leading from a place of centeredness and groundedness, clients are supported in actualizing
wholeness, higher levels of consciousness (aka goodness) to business practices, as well as, developing personal mindfulness practices which afford them clarity in navigating a challenging and ever-changing world while remaining connected to their
true essence.
Julie is a graduate of the Hoffman Process, an Spiritual Response Therapy (SRT) practitioner, Master Level Reiki practitioner, and offers Meditation and Mindfulness Practices, Intuitive Tarot Readings, Reiki, Spiritual Response
Therapy (SRT), and Spiritual Business Coaching and Mentoring.