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The GreenTie Blog

Learn from authors whose work and thought leadership has advanced the professional practice of EHS & Sustainability management
  • ESG Assurance – An Opportunity For Transparency & Trust

    By: Heather Moore, P.E.
    July 1, 2022
    ESG Assurance – an opportunity for transparency and trust
    Customers, employees and investors are increasingly putting ESG issues front and center when making decisions about the companies they engage with. Rising shareholder and consumer activism, as well as new forms of regulation, mean that it is no longer enough to simply state ambitions or good intentions. The challenge is to prove to stakeholders that policies and initiatives are translating into meaningful action and impact throughout the company’s business plan and its supply chain. Brands that can achieve this have an opportunity to establish long-term loyalty, advocacy and even competitive advantage.
  • SEC Proposed Changes to Climate Risk Disclosures: What You Should Know

    By: Heather Moore, P.E.
    May 19, 2022
    SEC Proposed Changes to Climate Risk Disclosures: What You Should Know
    On March 21, 2022, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) proposed major rule amendments to require the disclosure of climate-related risks and opportunities. Notably, the proposal includes a requirement for greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) to be reported and independently verified by a third-party specialist.
  • The Path to Net Zero: Taking Action Over What You Control

    By: Heather Moore, P.E.
    April 5, 2022
    The Path to Net Zero: Taking Action over what you Control
    The high-level approach to achieving real net zero is straightforward: eliminate Greenhouse Gases (GHGs) where you can across the lifecycle; reduce emissions of those that can’t be eliminated; substitute more carbon-intensive activities and sources with less intensive approaches and renewable energy; and as a last resort neutralize only that which is unavoidable, through the acquisition of offsets.
  • COP26 - Did Glasgow Meet the Standard?

    By: Heather Moore, P.E.
    January 3, 2022
    NAEM Blog COP26: Did Glasgow Meet the Standard?
    The 2021 United Nations Climate Change Conference, more commonly referred to as COP26, was the 26th United Nations Climate Change conference, held at the SEC Centre in Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom. The tone of COP is often optimistic in week one, with reporting running into the reality of compromise and delay in week two. Yet the tone surrounding COP26 was one of managing expectations – so what was the final verdict?