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The GreenTie Blog

Learn from authors whose work and thought leadership has advanced the professional practice of EHS & Sustainability management
  • Organizations Must Prepare for Regulatory Change

    By: Laura Andrew
    July 29, 2021
    NAEM Blog Organizations Must Prepare For Regulatory Change
    Environment, health, and safety (EHS) managers know that theirs is a profession of constant change. EHS is founded on a cycle of continuous improvement, and moving beyond compliance is a perpetual goal towards which to strive. However, EHS professionals should expect a greater than usual level of change in the coming months and years—and it’s imperative to be prepared.
  • ISO 45001: Stay Ahead Of The Curve - Six Strategic Considerations For Health & Safety

    By: James Pomeroy
    April 1, 2021
    LR Health, Safety, Environment and Security Director offers six suggestions for the strategic agenda of health and safety professionals, including: Taking a new view to safety, a holistic view: people and process safety risk, appropriate critical risk controls, first principles for third parties, the return to the workplace, and ISO 45001 as a strategic asset.
  • How We Integrated Safety With Office 365

    By: Hannah Stewart
    February 8, 2021
    IT integration is the top concern for EHS software buyers. And, in a time when business is more reliant on IT than ever, disparate systems can be an even bigger problem for EHS teams. However, it’s a challenge the Safety department at one New Jersey utilities company has been able to solve. Read their story here.
  • ISO 45001: Your Questions Answered

    By: Martin Cottam Suzanne Laskiewicz
    January 22, 2021
    Get answers to some of the most common questions about ISO 45001, including: preparing for ISO 45001, understanding the standard and terminology, addressing health and safety during a pandemic, mental health and well being, and integrated management systems.
  • Managing Workplace Risk with Gensuite’s Pandemic Risk Management Module

    By: Amanda Petzinger
    December 15, 2020
    Rob Somers, Senior Director, Global Environment Health & Safety, shares how the Perrigo Company is currently leveraging the Gensuite Pandemic Risk Management module to effectively and efficiently manage Covid-19 in the workplace across their enterprise.
  • Best of 2020 in EHS & Sustainability

    By: NAEM Staff
    December 15, 2020
    Best of 2020
    Check out the top 2020 NAEM resources accessed by our EHS&S community.
  • 4 Keys to a Solid Safety Audit and Inspection Program

    By: Jill Schaefer
    November 23, 2020
    Photo licensed to KPA - 4 Keys to a Solid Safety Audit and Inspection Program
    When was the last time you took a long, honest look at your environment, health, and safety program? If it’s been a while, or you can’t remember—or if you’ve never conducted a safety inspection or audit before—it’s time to get to work.
  • The Power of a Handwritten Note

    By: Alex Pollock
    November 18, 2020
    Business communication - handwritten note
    Never forget the power of a handwritten note. They build relationships. We all need to feel valued, and handwritten notes show thoughtfulness and appreciation.
  • Effective Leadership Communication in 2020

    By: NAEM Staff
    November 5, 2020
    2020 EHS&S Forum - Lara Malatesta, Allan Fernandes, Jon Kipp
    While our business world has changed drastically over the last year, the fundamentals of leadership have not.
  • Traits of an EHS Professional

    By: Alex Pollock
    October 20, 2020
    Traits of an EHS Professional
    Being deep into the professional recertification cycle for my "ROH" and "CIH" credentials, I'm finding myself being reflective on what being an EHS professional really means to me.