FORUM23 Speaker Biography

Ricardo Gonzalez Llera

Ricardo Gonzalez Llera

Manager, Energy, Climate & Environmental Management System
IBM Corp.
Ricardo is a Manager of IBM Corporate Staff responsible for the global execution of IBM's Global Environmental and Energy Management Systems, including maintaining IBM's ISO 14001:2015 and ISO 50001:2011 single global certifications. He has 23 years’ experience with IBM, 18 of these as a Corporate Staff developing environmental policy positions and overseeing the implementation of several programs, such as Air, Waste, eWaste, Product End-of-Life Management, Supply Chain Environmental Requirements, Supplier Environmental Evaluations, and Secondary Containment and the Environmental Incident Reporting. This includes the legal and regulatory tracking for these topical areas in over 100 countries.

Today, Ricardo is responsible for leading IBM’s corporate climate and energy strategy and goal setting: energy conservation, operational Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions reduction, renewable electricity procurement, and product and data center energy efficiency and for establishing and advocating for IBM's public policy positions on topics stated above. He drives business unit attainment of IBM energy and climate goals and works with business units to establish, timely update and execute against their energy conservation and efficiency plans in support of these goals. Provides advice and counsel to business units on energy and climate issues (e.g., regulations, compliance strategy, RPFs, client and 3rd party inquiries, marketing materials) and is responsible for IBM’s external disclosures for energy and climate, including energy efficiency, use, and GHG emissions.

He has a BSc degree in Chemical Engineering with a MSc degree in Environmental Planning and Management from the Monterrey Institute of Technology and a MSc in Environmental and Health Management from MIT and Harvard School of Public Health.