Shawn Galloway
Chief Executive Officer
ProAct Safety Inc.
Shawn M. Galloway is CEO of the global consultancy ProAct Safety; his consulting clients include most of the best safety-performing organizations within every primary industry. Shawn is a trusted advisor, professional speaker, and author of several bestselling
books on safety strategy, culture, leadership, and employee engagement. He is one of the industry's most prolific contributors. In addition to seven books, Shawn has authored over 700 podcasts, 300 articles and blogs, and 100 videos. He has received awards
and recognition for his significant contributions from the American Society of Safety Professionals, National Safety Council's Top 40 Rising Stars and Top Ten Speakers, EHS Today Magazine's 50 People Who Most Influenced EHS, ISHN Magazine's POWER 101
– Leaders of the EHS World, and, ISHN Magazine's 50 Leaders for Today and Tomorrow, Pro-Sapien's list of The Top 11 Health and Safety Influencers and he is an Avetta Distinguished Fellow.