Past Forum Keynote

Adam Tucker

Adam Tucker

Vice President of Safety, Health and Environment, Chief Safety
BAE Systems Inc.
Adam Tucker is the Vice President of Safety, Health & Environment for BAE Systems, Inc., an international defense, aerospace and security company. He has nearly 30 years of experience leading safety, health, environment, and sustainability initiatives across multiple industries, including defense, transportation, service, and oil & gas. In addition, Adam has significant technical experience in environmental remediation and climate science through both consulting and industry efforts.

Adam has led global safety and environmental business transformation efforts to engage employees, empower leaders and ultimately enhance performance in some of the most challenging workplace settings. He believes in a people-first approach, and understands the importance of wellimplemented change management and human performance approaches.

Adam has published with Dr. E. Scott Geller and Dr. Chuck Pettinger, two innovative thinkers on organizational change, behavior-based safety, and Human and Organizational Performance. He is a frequent speaker on these topics, as well as sustainability, at venues from board rooms to conferences.

Adam has a degree in Geology from Kent State University, including a minor certificate in Climate Science. He currently resides with his wife and two sons in the Washington D.C. area.