A Transformational Journey of SKF USA to EHS Leadership
Article SponsoredLearn how SKF USA got their recordable incident rate to zero, transitioned from reactive to proactive risk analysis and assessment, expanded global quality best practices, and more. -
Using Materiality to Clarify Sustainability Priorities
ArticleThe demand for information is overwhelming and made more difficult by the varying needs of a wide range of stakeholders. Faced with limited resources in a world where some disclosures are mandatory and others are not, how do you break through the “noise”? In a word, materiality. -
Measuring the Effectiveness of Your Training Program
ArticleWhen it comes to evaluating training effectiveness at your organization, what methods do you use? Learn how the Kirkpatrick Model works and how it can drive insights for your organization. -
Putting It All Together: Why AEP published its first combined CSR and Annual Report
ArticleLearn how American Electric Power developed a strategy to address stakeholders' concerns by demonstrating the relationship between its financial and environmental performance. -
Good Safety Metrics Change Behavior
ArticleWhile companies tend to pay close attention to metrics such as recordable incidents, tracking leading indicators may be more effective at improving workplace safety. -
What Gets Measured Gets Managed. Or Does It?
ArticleThere is an old adage, "what gets measured gets managed." This idiom has been adopted by EHS practitioners to help explain the complex metrics we develop. Work hours, inspections, EHS compliments…we can measure just about anything. -
Five Lessons from Building an Effective Sustainability Reporting Program at The Mosaic Co.
ArticleSustainability reporting seems to have reached a tipping point among large, publicly held companies. According to the Governance and Accountability Institute, 75 percent of the companies on Standard & Poor's 500 Index published a sustainability report in 2014, versus just 20 percent in 2011. This is an astonishing statistic and the underlying effort is no doubt directly associated with a tremendous amount of pain, sweat and tears from the swathe of folks pulling together these reports. -
Six Steps to a Successful Water Strategy
ArticleHow do companies develop a corporate water strategy given the fact that comprehensive, standardized methodologies may be years away? Learn the steps successful companies have followed to achieve a common process. -
Developing New Strategic Indicators for Toyota's Waste Reduction Programs
ArticleWhen you eliminate waste, you get environmental and financial benefits together. Learn more about how Toyota developed the metrics it needed to achieve its waste reduction goals. -
The Evolution of EHS and Sustainability Metrics
ArticleThe landscape of EHS and sustainability metrics is changing as technology continues to change how businesses use metrics to improve their programs. -
Beyond the Numbers: Goals Spark Collaboration, Accountability
ArticleWith a heightened emphasis on companies' targets for EHS&S performance, it may seem like numbers are all that matter. However, NAEM members argue that the organizational alignment around those goals may be just as important.