
Connect with your EHS&S Peers

Connect and problem-solve with EHS&S professionals in your region, industry and area of expertise

Networking with fellow EHS & Sustainability professionals gives you the chance to connect on industry issues, benchmark within and across industries, and meet people who might have exactly the answers you need.

Member Drop-Ins

Corporate and individual members can join our monthly member drop-in calls on a range of pressing subjects. Registration is complimentary. Click here to learn more.

Next Meeting: Thursday August 22, 2024 | 4:00 p.m. Eastern

NAEM Member Directory

Member Directory

All NAEM members who hold "in-house" EHS&S roles have access to the NAEM member directory. This is a great resource for finding EHS & Sustainability professionals who are working on the same EHS&S challenges or have expertise that complements your own.

If you're not a member, you can learn more here about joining as an individual or as an organization.

Member Appreciation Week

NAEM hosts our annual Member Meeting during our annual Member Appreciation Week — one of our favorite weeks of the year! Check out our 2024 Member Appreciation Week offerings here.

Annual Member Meeting

Find out what is on NAEM's agenda for the year to come during our annual Member Meeting.

For Regents & Affiliate Leads

Looking for Board of Regents or Affiliates Council meeting dates? Click here.
Your network is your net worth! Building a strong network of contacts can open doors to new opportunities.
— LaNella Hooper-Williams, Hooper Williams Communications

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