Reach the Biggest EHS & Sustainability Professional Network

Reach NAEM’s community of environment, health and safety, and sustainability (EHS&S) decision-makers by sponsoring or advertising with NAEM. Sponsoring with NAEM helps you connect with EHS&S leaders at companies that do $1 billion or more in revenue a year and for many it is a great way to continue to get in front of your existing clients too. Our full professional network includes:


Sponsorship Opportunities

Below you will find all the different mediums NAEM offers to reach our audience of EHS&S decision-makers. We continue to update this list daily as new opportunities arise.

E-Mail Marketing
Send out an email promoting your company through NAEM to our email list of 20,000+ EHS&S professionals.

Host a webinar with NAEM on a topic of your choice. NAEM will market the webinar and share the attendee list with you afterwards.

Here is a list of upcoming NAEM conferences. NAEM’s TECH25 & OPEX25 conferences are being co-located In Orlando, Florida, April 1 – 3, at the same location.

Write a sponsored EHS&S article for NAEM's blog. We will promote it in our e-news that goes out to 20,000+ EHS&S professionals.

Blog Ads
Promote your company on an ad that will run on NAEM's blog that gets 1000+ monthly impressions.

Email [sales at naem dot org] for a detailed list of pricing and sponsorship opportunities.

Audience Profile

NAEM's conference attendees, webinar attendees and research audience are decision-makers. They are corporate vice presidents, directors, and managers responsible for leading EHS&S programs such as:
  • Compliance and Regulatory Requirements
  • Water Management/Reduction
  • Climate Change Strategies
  • Energy Management
  • Sustainability Operations and Reporting
  • External Reporting
  • Materiality Assessments
sample of conference attendees
2024 NAEM Audience Profile of Conference Attendees - Titles

View a Sampling of Who Attends NAEM's Conferences

Click on each of the links below to get a sampling of what kind of companies attend each NAEM conference:

Email Sign Up