Smart Growth Could Spur Economic Prosperity, Environmental Sustainability
ArticleSustainability is not just a business management paradigm for Patrick Doherty, Director of Smart Strategy at the New America Foundation: It's the strategic lens that should shape how we build our communities, structure our tax code and prioritize investments. -
Using Materiality to Clarify Sustainability Priorities
ArticleThe demand for information is overwhelming and made more difficult by the varying needs of a wide range of stakeholders. Faced with limited resources in a world where some disclosures are mandatory and others are not, how do you break through the “noise”? In a word, materiality. -
Facilitating Dialogue Drives Engagement, Trust, Business Results
ArticleEmployees directly impact a company's business outcomes; if they are engaged, have clear direction and are supported, the results can be higher productivity and profitability. Sometimes, all employees want is for someone to listen to them. Other times, they want more information so they can make the best decisions. -
How Can Better Communication Between Investors and Companies Accelerate Corporate Sustainability?
ArticleWhile there is a broad spectrum of investor approaches to ESG, core concepts and approaches can help companies more clearly communicate with investors, with the potential to attract capital and build greater internal and external support for sustainability programs. -
Customers in Asia Value Product Stewardship, Too
ArticleFor those of you with defined product stewardship programs, have you considered the importance of green products to customers outside of the United States? What is some of the feedback you've received from customers around the world?