Software Solutions are Becoming a Key Strategy for EHS & Sustainability Management

“Having a commercial system is becoming the new norm,” she said. “NAEM’s research into the latest trends in EHS&S program management has shown that software tools are a key strategy for keeping up with emerging regulations, managing enterprise risk and responding to external information requests.”
The issue has become so central to the association’s members that NAEM now dedicates an annual conference to the topic. On March 15-16, NAEM will be in Tampa, Fla. for a showcase of software tools and data management approaches from the user's perspective.
NAEM Program Director Mike Mahanna said the two-day event will emphasize peer-to-peer dialogue on the use and value of software for advancing corporate programs. As such, all the demonstrations will be presented by corporate EHS&S leaders, who will share their personal experiences of selecting and implementing a management information system.
The conference will also include a focus on transforming data into insights that can help leaders identify leading indicators, appropriately assign staff resources and proactively manage EHS&S risks.
“The leading companies are doing this already,” Mr. Mahanna said. “The future will be around the analytics of the data and developing deeper understanding of what the numbers are telling you.”
In addition to the content-focused sessions, the conference will also feature an interactive benchmark on user satisfaction and a full exhibit hall of leading software providers from the following companies: Enablon, Intelex, Locus Technologies, ProcessMAP, VelocityEHS, CH2M, Capitol Environmental Services, Chemwatch, Dakota Software, regAction, EtQ, Gensuite, Medgate, Red-on-line, cr360, Earthsoft, Lisam Systems, Mapistry, EHS Insight and SRA Information Technology.
To hear EHS&S leaders discuss how they’re using data and software to advance their programs, please visit: For more information about NAEM’s EHS&S Software and Data Management Conference, or to register, please visit
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NAEM Staff
The National Association for Environmental, Health and Safety, and Sustainability (EHS&S) Management (NAEM) empowers corporate leaders to advance environmental stewardship, create safe and healthy workplaces and promote global sustainability. As the
leading business community for EHS&S decision-makers, we provide engaging forums, a curated network, peer benchmarking, research insights and tools for solving today’s corporate EHS&S management challenges. Visit us online at