NAEM Launches New EHS and Sustainability Software Satisfaction Benchmark

NAEM Staff
March 15, 2016
Today the National Association for Environmental Management (NAEM) announced the launch of the EHS & Sustainability Software Ratings Project, a new research initiative to evaluate customer satisfaction with commercial software systems.

Speaking at the association's annual EHS & Sustainability Software and Data Management conference, NAEM Executive Director Carol Singer Neuvelt said the project is a response to the growing use of commercial software systems to ensure regulatory compliance, manage enterprise risk and report on sustainability performance.

"Selecting an enterprise-wide software system is a consequential decision," she said. "Those who are shopping for a new system need to understand how these systems are performing within peer companies to make an informed decision."

As the largest professional association for corporate environment, health and safety (EHS), and sustainability decision-makers, NAEM's benchmarking program includes a core focus on how large organizations set goals, measure performance and communicate their progress.

This latest addition to NAEM's research portfolio will offer a quantitative benchmark of how software systems are performing from the user's perspective. The results, which will be updated quarterly on NAEM's website, will include data on how users rated their systems on core satisfaction attributes, based on the specific modules they implemented. NAEM will also offer detailed analysis to software companies, who are looking for actionable insights they can use to improve the quality of their products.

"The adoption of effective software tools represents an opportunity for companies to dramatically improve their EHS and sustainability management systems," Ms. Neuvelt said. "By supporting the development of better tools, we believe we can help corporate leaders advance environmental stewardship and safety performance."

To learn more about NAEM's EHS & Sustainability Software Ratings Project, please visit


About the Author

NAEM Staff
The National Association for Environmental, Health and Safety, and Sustainability (EHS&S) Management (NAEM) empowers corporate leaders to advance environmental stewardship, create safe and healthy workplaces and promote global sustainability. As the leading business community for EHS&S decision-makers, we provide engaging forums, a curated network, peer benchmarking, research insights and tools for solving today’s corporate EHS&S management challenges. Visit us online at

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