Introducing Mobile Apps at Arch Coal Inc.

Arten Charles
Arten Charles
February 14, 2019
Introducing Mobile Apps at Arch Coal Inc.

Arten Charles, Environmental Information Systems Administrator at Arch Coal Inc, shared a case study at NAEM’s 2019 Software, Innovation & Technology Showcase on how his company integrated a mobile inspection application into its existing software system. In this interview, he shares a few insights from his experiences.

NAEM: How are you using technology to achieve business results through EHS&S?

AC: My goal is to implement technology in a way that maximizes personnel efficiency and consequently enhances environmental compliance efforts. By eliminating unnecessary or duplicate tasks we enable employees to spend their time on more important compliance measures.   

NAEM: Could you please describe some of these achievements?

AC: We have created a single source platform for all monthly reporting from Arch operations. The new process eliminated the need to consolidate emailed spreadsheets sent in numerous formats. Now corporate and operations personnel have access to the same organized data without the need for transposing statistics.

We have integrated a custom mobile app for outlet inspections with our environmental database. The app itself eliminated paper inspection documentation. The new process contains a notification system and tracking of issues to closure. Also, the need for manual tracking was eliminated.

We enhanced our National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) water data upload process to include immediate data validation, data verification and archive to a SharePoint site, as well as email transmittal of uploaded documents.

NAEM: What have you learned from your own experiences that you think could benefit other users?

AC: Here are my top two:

  1. Know your system. Knowing the strengths and limitations will allow for better process design.
  2. Stay up to date. Software is constantly adding functionality and eliminating limitations.

To learn how your peers are leveraging software solutions to advance their EHS&S performance, join NAEM in New Orleans from March 12-14 for the 2019 EHS&S Software, Innovation & Technology Showcase.


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About the Author

Arten Charles
Arten Charles
Arch Coal Inc.
Arten “Art” Charles is the Environmental Information Systems Administrator for Arch Coal Inc. Art has served in a variety of operations and environmental roles at Arch Coal for nine years. As System Administrator, he has helped develop and maintain the Enviance system for Arch. He has also assisted in the development of automated compliance aids and systems for numerous environmental compliance programs. Prior to Arch Coal, Art held previous roles in consulting and in the state regulatory arena. Art sees his role as System Administrator as critical to Arch’s commitment to be the safest and most environmentally responsible supplier of coal based in energy.

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