The Best of 2019 in EHS & Sustainability

NAEM Staff
January 6, 2020
The Best of 2019 in EHS & Sustainability
What were the top issues for the EHS & Sustainability community in 2019? From software systems to salaries, from sustainability to safety, here’s what your fellow EHS&S leaders zeroed in on.

Special thanks to our partners and contributors for sharing their best practices and lessons learned so that the whole EHS&S community may benefit. If you're interested in contributing to NAEM's research reports or GreenTie blog, please email

Top 3 Most-Downloaded Reports

2019-NAEM-Salary-Report2019 EHS & Sustainability Salary Report
Compare your compensation package and arm yourself with the market knowledge needed to negotiate a competitive salary.

Leading-Edge Greenhouse Gas Reduction StrategiesLeading-Edge Greenhouse Gas Reduction Strategies
Get a closer look at the specific steps companies are taking to reduce their GHG emissions within their operations and beyond. While the companies featured here are industry leaders, these types of companies tend to push the horizon for the broader community.

Why Companies Replace Their EHS&S Software SystemsWhy Companies Replace Their EHS&S Software Systems
Adopting an EHS&S software system is a significant investment that takes months of planning, implementation and training. Learn why software customers replace their systems and how you can avoid a costly replacement.

Top 3 Most-Attended Webinars

How Leading Companies Are Setting the Next Generation of Sustainability GoalsHow Leading Companies are Setting the Next Generation of Sustainability Goals
Find out what the sustainability goal-setting process looks like within leading companies.

Results from Contractor Safety Management BenchmarkResults from Contractor Safety Management Benchmark
Learn how peer companies are training, communicating with and managing contractors to ensure they remain safe at work.

2019 EHSS Salary Survey Results2019 EHS & Sustainability Salary Survey Results
NAEM and EHSCareers present results from the 2019 EHS&S Salary Survey, featuring detailed analyses of compensation packages and how they are affected by education, certifications, career stage and industry.

Top 5 Most-Read Blog Posts

How Artificial Intelligence is Transforming how Companies Manage EHSHow Artificial Intelligence is Transforming How Companies Manage EHS
by Margery Moore, CEO, Moore & Gasperecz Global
In an industry always looking to do more with less, AI can help companies work more efficiently and consistently. This promises to fundamentally change the skills needed to manage EHS within companies.

How Stakeholders are Shaping What EHS Compliance Means TodayEHS&S Management is More Than Compliance Alone
by NAEM staff
Excelling at EHS management means participating in strategic conversations, responding to stakeholder inquiries, achieving consistent performance with limited resources, and much more.

Finding Your Leadership VoiceFinding My Leadership Voice: What I Wish I Learned Earlier in My Career
by Fawn Bergen, Global Sustainability Program Manager, Intel
“While I cannot discount the role of ‘with age comes wisdom,’ there have been a few significant inflection points in my journey to find my leadership voice," shares Fawn Bergen, Global Sustainability Program Manager at Intel.

EHS auditing4 Signs Your EHS Auditing Program is Ready for a Refresh
by Becky Corbin, Senior Principal & Projects Manager, Compliances Services Team, Woodard & Curran
Is your company’s EHS audit program effective? Does it add value to your company? Do you get pushback when trying to implement it? Learn four telltale signs of when your audit program has started to lose its edge and it’s time to make some changes.

Corporate leadershipCharacteristics of Admired Leaders
by Alex Pollock, EHS Leader
What are the seven qualities that you most look for in a leader, someone whose direction you would willingly follow?
Topics: EHS&S Strategy


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About the Author

NAEM Staff
The National Association for Environmental, Health and Safety, and Sustainability (EHS&S) Management (NAEM) empowers corporate leaders to advance environmental stewardship, create safe and healthy workplaces and promote global sustainability. As the leading business community for EHS&S decision-makers, we provide engaging forums, a curated network, peer benchmarking, research insights and tools for solving today’s corporate EHS&S management challenges. Visit us online at

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