NAEM to Contribute Research Insights to May 30 Arcadis Webinar

The free, Arcadis-hosted presentation "Use Your EHS Data for Smarter, Better, Faster Decision Making" will identify opportunities for environment, health, safety and sustainability (EHS&S) leaders to leverage predictive analytics and data management systems to better manage risk. Arcadis is the leading global design and consulting firm for natural and built assets.
"As companies continue to integrate EHS&S into all aspects of the business operations, software is becoming a vital tool for those who manage these programs," Ms. Neuvelt said. "The next horizon for leaders is to use these systems to flag issues before they escalate and to identify opportunities for innovation."
The webinar is part of the Arcadis Information Driven Performance (IDP) series. Ms. Neuvelt will present insights from NAEM's research and moderate a discussion between Arcadis consultants Ian Achterkirch and Supriya Murthy.
"Companies are expected not only to improve their EHS performance, but also to set the pace for constant innovation and change," the company said. "Our webinar will explore how various organizations use their data as an enterprise asset, to reduce cost, reduce risk, and increase the visibility of their portfolio of global assets and projects."
To register for the free, one-hour webinar, please visit the event registration page.