Inspiring Business Leaders to Explore New Horizons to Solve Today’s Sustainability Challenges

Sept. 17, 2019 — To solve today’s sustainability challenges, business leaders will be called to build new skills, pitch fresh ideas and influence across silos. On October 15-18, more than 650 EHS&S leaders will come together in Toronto to share their latest strategies at NAEM’s annual Forum, an event designed to illuminate the path forward for the business community.
NAEM is the National Association for Environment, Health, Safety & Sustainability Management.
“The extraordinary time we live in is calling us to think bigger, work smarter and commit our whole selves to the challenge of creating an economy that will sustain us into the future,” said NAEM Executive Director Carol Singer Neuvelt.
“There is perhaps no other group of people better prepared to lead this transition than the women and men who are dedicated to making an impact through their EHS&S profession.”
One of those leaders is Sophia Danenberg, the first African American to summit Mount Everest, an experience she said shapes the work she does every day as an EHS Strategy and International Policy analyst for the Boeing Co. In her opening keynote address at the Forum she will share her lessons from the climb, including how she sets an ambitious vision and adapts her plans to meet the conditions of the moment.
“I've learned that you can make meaningful changes when you bring your core values and beliefs into a company as an employee,” she said. “Business decisions can have such a significant impact on the environment. From the inside, you can usually see more efficient and effective ways to achieve environmental objectives and become an internal activist.”
Becoming that internal activist is vital to the EHS&S profession as companies integrate their programs into the fabric of business operations, according to Paul Robbertz, Senior Director of EHS for Danone North America, who led the conference planning committee.
“The overall scope of our jobs continues to expand. To do our jobs well today requires us to integrate and partner across a whole host of different functions, whether it's supply chain, procurement, engineering, human resources, commercial, legal, or research and development,” he said.
To learn more about the networking, benchmarking and learning opportunities at NAEM’s 2019 EHS&S Management Forum, please visit the agenda online.