Sponsorship Overview
Brand your company as a champion for women and diversities. This sponsorship will offer your company branding and recognition with the sponsorship benefits below.Sponsorship Benefits
- Two complimentary registrations (valued at $1,798-2398)
- Two job listings in two of our bi-monthly E-newsletters promoting openings at your company (four job listings total). Each E-newsletter gets 20,000+ impressions from EHS&S professionals
- Recognition and logo placement on all event materials including website, promotional emails, onsite signage and event program (over 20,000+ impressions)
- Social media mentions on NAEM’s LinkedIn and Twitter social media pages recognizing your support for the conference. Naem’s social media pages have over 7,000 followers from professionals in the EHS&S community
- Attendee list one week prior to the conference and post conference (attendee names, companies & titles only)
NAEM Member Cost
*Please note corporate sponsorships are only available to in-house EHS&S professionals (NAEM members and non-members). These sponsorships are not available to vendors or AC members but they may purchase sponsorships here. If you are a vendor or AC member and purchase the above sponsorship, NAEM will automatically refund you.