FORUM23: 75-Minute In-Person Session Sponsorship
Sponsors will have the opportunity to provide a subject matter expert and client(s) to put together a 75-minute in-person panel for the Forum program that will run Tuesday, October 24 – Thursday, October 26, 2023.The sponsor will come up with an EHS&S session that will feature a client speaker(s) with the sponsor as the moderator. Ideally, the session will be on a case study that showcases a problem the client had that the moderator’s expertise helped solve.
NAEM will assign the timeslot where a sponsored session will go based on how it’ll fit best with the rest of the topics on the program. The sponsored session could be on Tuesday afternoon, October 24 as a stand alone 75-minute session or some time Wednesday, October 25 to Thursday, October 26 as one of four concurrent sessions.
Affiliate Council members, consultants and service providers are allowed to attend any sponsored sessions no matter what day their session falls. Pricing will be the same for each 75-minute session no matter what day it falls. We do find that the most popular topics and speakers attract the largest audiences so the better your topic and speakers the better chance for a well-attended session.
All sessions must be pre-approved by NAEM before purchase. All speakers must be in-person and no more than three speakers total. Any sessions that do not include a client speaker(s) will not be approved. Please email [sales at naem dot org] with your session and speaker ideas. All ideas will be approved in a first come, first served order. NAEM does not give out a list of attendees in your session but you may pass around a sign in sheet to collect names and per GDPR guidelines let them know if you plan to contact them.
Sponsorship Benefits
- Opportunity for visibility and to be seen as a thought leader with a 75-minute session at the EHS&S Management Forum
- Your session, company, speakers and bios promoted on NAEM’s FORUM23 website that gets over 1,000 impressions a week from EHS&S professionals. Your company logo will be on the conference website and will link to your company’s website
- Second position sponsorship recognition in marketing emails, conference website and on-site
- Sponsor recognition in conference app with logo
- One stand-alone email promoting your session with your logo prominently placed in the email. This email will go out to NAEM’s marketing list of 20,000+ EHS&S professionals
- Two complimentary registrations for your session speakers (valued at $1,645 - $2,245 per registration). Any additional speakers (over two) will be charged the NAEM discounted speaker fee to cover costs.* Registrations are not available for other people to attend the conference that are not speaking in your session
- Attendee list two weeks, one week and post conference (names, titles & companies only)

Date: October 24-27, 2023
Time: NAEM will assign
Time: NAEM will assign

Affiliates Council Cost