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Webinar Submission
Webinar Submission Form
*Indicates required field
First Name*
Last Name*
Job Title*
1. What is your proposed webinar session topic?
Please include a short description of the content and why you think it’ll help EHS&S professionals meet their EHS management challenges.*
Proposed webinar session topic:
2. What are the specific objectives, takeaways and learnings attendees should hope to gain from attending?
(Should be a specific and more complete listing of items covered in the description):*
Objectives, takeaways and learnings:
3. Proposed title and agenda for the one-hour webinar session (includes items like introductions, presentation of subtopics, Q&A etc.).
Please allow 5 minutes at the beginning for NAEM to introduce the webinar and your speakers and 5 minutes at the end for NAEM to close out the session with upcoming NAEM updates:*
Proposed title and agenda:
4. Please list your 1st, 2nd and 3rd choice dates to present your webinar.*
The webinar cannot conflict with another scheduled NAEM webinar and will run from 2-3 PM ET. Click
for a full list of upcoming and past NAEM webinars.
1st, 2nd and 3rd choice dates:
5. Presenter(s) names and bio(s):
For a webinar we recommend no more than three people on the call total and we recommend 1-2 of them be in-house EHS&S professionals. Please attach a presenter bio and headshot or include the link to their LinkedIn profile / bio — specific knowledge and experience with proposed topic is required.
Presenter 1
Name, Company and Title*
LinkedIn Profile Link
Presenter 2
Name, Company and Title
LinkedIn Profile Link
Presenter 3
Name, Company and Title
LinkedIn Profile Link
Presenter 4
Name, Company and Title
LinkedIn Profile Link
Presenter Bios and Headshots
This field is required
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Email Sign Up
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