Solve-It Sponsorships
Host a Solve-It GroupHOST A SOLVE-IT GROUP
NAEM is offering the chance to sponsor one of the below virtual Solve-It Groups on a hot trending topic that is also the sponsor’s subject matter expertise. As a host of the group, the sponsor will have the opportunity to share their subject matter expertise and build relationships with up to 30 in-house EHS&S attendees over the span of four-five live virtual sessions. This is a great opportunity to develop high-quality leads as the host and subject matter expert of the group.The objective for attendees of the Solve-It Groups is to benchmark on the topics, build a network of trusted topic experts and peers, and develop tools and strategies to tackle the issues. 2023 Solve-It Groups topics will be posted soon.
Sponsorship Benefits
- Opportunity to be seen as a thought leader as the host of the Solve-It Group*
- Opportunity to have a subject matter expert from your company moderate all sessions and introduce guest speakers*
- Opportunity to demonstrate your organization’s success through a client case-study on the Solve-It topic. This will be a presentation by your client to attendees*
- Opportunity to share your company’s expertise by introducing the Solve-It topic in the opening session (15-20 minute presentation)*
- Problem-solving in real time with up to 30 in-house EHS&S attendees to build a foundation and relationship with each of the companies/participants.
- Full Solve-It attendee list (names, titles, companies, and email addresses only).
- Logo recognition on all marketing emails promoting the Solve-It Group to NAEM’s email list of 20,000+ in-house EHS&S professionals. The sponsor’s logo will link to the sponsor’s website to drive traffic there.
- Logo recognition on NAEM’s website promoting the Solve-It Groups that attracts 1,000+ impressions a week. The sponsor’s logo will link to the sponsor’s website to drive traffic there.
*Service Provider/Consultants that have expertise related to the Solve-It Group topic they are sponsoring will have the opportunity to suggest speakers from their organization, their clients or other experts they collaborate with for the moderator/host role and to present a client-case study. NAEM will select all speakers based on subject matter expertise and ability to deliver defined content. Unless otherwise impossible, NAEM will not place speakers from the sponsor’s competitor firms on the agendas for the series they are hosting.
**NAEM requires that you submit an application to sponsor a Solve-It Group. If you are selected, we will let you know and you can make payment at that time.