WOMENLEAD24 Extra Curricular Sponsorships

Extracurricular Sponsor
(2 available)

Sponsorship Overview

Sponsor a fun outing for conference attendees so they can enjoy what the city has to offer after spending all day attending sessions in the hotel.

Sponsorships are first-come, first-served. Please email sales@naem.org for more details.

Sponsorship Benefits

  1. Opportunity to connect with up to 15 conference attendees and be recognized as the company that put on the awesome event.
  2. Opportunity to pass out swag with your company logo at the tour to attendees
  3. Sponsorship recognition in marketing emails, conference website and on-site
  4. One complimentary conference registration (valued at $1,295 - $1,595 per person)
  5. One complimentary registration for someone from your company
  6. Conference attendee list one week in advance and post conference (names, titles, and companies only)
  7. Social media: Development of special graphics for your organization’s LinkedIn page
  8. Social media: Mentions on NAEM’s LinkedIn page recognizing your support for the conference. NAEM’s social media pages have over 8,000 followers from professionals in the EHS&S community

Date: TBD
Time: TBD
Affiliates Council Cost

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