Bridget Schrempf, CDP
Bridget Schrempf is the Senior Manager of Sustainable Food Systems at CDP North America. Newly launched in 2019, the Sustainable Food Systems initiative endeavors to take a systems approach to demonstrate the direct link and impact of the current food system on GHG emissions, water security, and deforestation in order to drive momentum and shift business and procurement practices. Bridget assists the initiative in working to shine a light on the critical role of the agriculture and food sectors. By supporting the stakeholders by developing and disseminating a data-driven economic rationale for action aimed at private sector corporates, investors, and supply chains will enable the sustainable transition of the global food value chain to support a food system capable of surviving and thriving in a 1.5C world. Prior to this, Bridget served as the North American Regional Lead at CDP for the Commit to Action campaign. In this role, she worked with hundreds of the largest companies in the US and Canada to support them in making bold commitments to climate action primarily through science-based targets setting, also serving on the Science Based Targets initiative Corporate Engagement team.
Bridget earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Environment specializing in Ecological Determinants of Health from McGill University.