Christina Copeland

Sector Manager, Disclosure Services
Christina Copeland is a Sector Manager on the Disclosure Services team and the Water Thought Leader for the North American office of CDP (formerly the Carbon Disclosure Project). In this role, she leads the organization's corporate climate change and water disclosure work for Materials and Industrials companies in the USA and Canada. This includes: company engagement and disclosure support; account management of Reporter Services members; contributing to the publication of CDP North America annual investor reports on the state, trends and outlook of corporate climate change reporting; and, the production of training webinars, events and workshops. She is also the author of CDP’s 2013 US Water Report.

Before coming to CDP, Ms. Copeland worked in Mumbai, India doing corporate sustainability consulting for Tata Consultancy Services (TCS). While working with TCS, she contributed to projects such as a pilot sustainability index for the Bombay Stock Exchange, renewable energy business analyses and environmental compliance research for multi-national companies, and on-site water accounting and reporting for an Indian cement company.

She has a Bachelor of Science degree in Natural Resources from Cornell University and is based out of CDP's North America HQ in New York City. She also sits on the Advisory Board for the Dwight Hall Socially Responsible Investment Fund.

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