Grace Saunders
Senior Sustainability Consultant
Trinity Consultants
Grace Saunders is a Senior Consultant within Trinity’s Sustainability & Assurance Business Line. She specializes in topics related to sustainability and ESG, including ESG disclosure; biodiversity management and program development; GHG emissions, energy, water, and waste inventory development; GHG emission verification; and sustainability-related strategy support. As it relates to biodiversity services, Grace supports clients with various initiatives such as applying TNFD’s LEAP approach to assess dependencies, impacts, risks, and opportunities; completing on-site biodiversity assessments; utilizing the mitigation hierarchy to prioritize management of ecological assets; and providing strategic planning support. Grace was invited to present on biodiversity management and reporting at the Arizona Mining Association’s Biodiversity and Lands sub-committee meetings in April 2024 and the National Lime Association’s Annual Conference in June 2024. Grace provided national webinars titled Biodiversity: Best Practices to Build a Corporate Biodiversity Program and Disclosure of Biodiversity Impacts in Alignment with GRI's New Biodiversity Standards in October 2023 and March 2024, respectively.
Grace has nearly 10 years of experience in various aspects of environmental management including environmental permitting, wetland and stream mitigation, wetland restoration design and construction, coastal resiliency planning and adaptation, and stormwater and flooding management. She graduated from Sewanee with a Bachelor’s degree in Biology: Ecology and Biodiversity and from Wake Forest University with a Master’s degree in Sustainability.
Grace has nearly 10 years of experience in various aspects of environmental management including environmental permitting, wetland and stream mitigation, wetland restoration design and construction, coastal resiliency planning and adaptation, and stormwater and flooding management. She graduated from Sewanee with a Bachelor’s degree in Biology: Ecology and Biodiversity and from Wake Forest University with a Master’s degree in Sustainability.