James R. Van Langen, P.E.

Vice President Management Systems, Corporate Maritime Policy
Carnival Corp. & plc
James Van Langen is a highly experienced engineer and management systems professional.  In his current role as Vice President of Management Systems for Carnival Corporation & plc, he is leading the development of single, corporate-wide management system for health, environmental, safety and security (HESS).  Mr. Van Langen also leads Carnival’s corporate-wide sustainability programs, and oversaw the publication of Carnival’s first corporate-level GRI-based sustainability report.

His other responsibilities include stakeholder engagement, external and internal reporting, management information systems, training, and HESS incidents and claims reporting systems. He also directed the development, implementation, certification and management of ISO 14001 Environmental Management Systems in all subsidiary Operating Lines and ships.

His early career also involved marine and nuclear power plant engineering and operations, both shipboard and shoreside.  He is author of the book, “LNG Liquefaction Plants and Associated Shoreside Operations” under the auspices of the National Maritime Research Center.

Mr. Van Langen is a Marine Engineering graduate of the United States Merchant Marine Academy in Kings Point, New York, and a Registered Professional Engineer in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.

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