Joseph Standen

Environmental, Utilities & Regulatory Services Manager
Wawa Inc.
Joe Standen is the Senior Environmental Manager for Wawa, Inc., a Convenience Store Retail Chain headquartered in Wawa, PA with more than 550 gas and 250 non-gas stores located in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, Florida and Washington D.C.  As the Senior Environmental Manager, Joe is responsible for managing the Corporate Environmental and Regulatory Services Department and associated disciplines.  His principal duties include coordination and oversight of environmental investigations, remediation and due diligence; and supervisory management of the Corporate Emergency Response Program, Hazardous and Non-Hazardous Waste Disposal Program, Underground Storage Tank Compliance Program, Water Supply and Irrigation Treatment System Compliance Program, Storm Water Compliance program, Wastewater Treatment System and Disposal Program, Mold and Indoor Air Quality Program, and Sustainability Program.

Prior to working for Wawa, Joe was employed by Leggette, Brashears & Graham, Inc. for 25 years, beginning his career as a Hydrogeologist and advancing to Senior Associate managing the Pennsylvania and North Dakota offices.  He was one of the three individuals at LBG responsible for the company’s National Emergency Response program.  He has worked as a project manager on several large-scale crude oil pipeline releases throughout the Midwest, including the Marshall, Michigan release that impacted 38 miles of the Kalamazoo River.

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