Libby Cheney

Board of Directors
The Offshore Energy Center & PinkPetro LLC
Libby Cheney is a Founding Partner in TRIO Global Consulting, LLC, a firm launched in 2015 to provide business resilience strategies and systems to the extractives and manufacturing sectors.

Over more than 32 years in the oil and gas industry, Libby has held operational, technical and functional roles. For the past 10 years, she has performed in executive roles in environment, health, safety and sustainable development, including corporate and business line Vice President roles for Royal Dutch Shell and Hess Corporation.

Libby serves and has served as a Director on a number of Boards and Advisory Boards including IPIECA, OGP, the Offshore Energy Center, US Oil and Gas Association, Vanderbilt University School of Engineering Board of Visitors and the National Marine Sanctuary Business Advisory Council.

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