Manish Sood

Advisor and Management Affiliate
MidOcean Partners
Manish is a private equity affiliate at MidOcean Partners, a NYC based firm with approxinmately $4 billion under management. In that role, he designs investment strategies in data, analytics and Artificial Intelligence (AI) driven businesses in select areas including the EHS & Sustainability (EHS&S) area. He helps lead EHS&S industry research efforts, speaks with a number of enterprise and government sector organizations to understand their changing EHS&S end user needs and new technology adoption trends, engages with leading and emerging EHS tech and services vendors, exchanges insights with EHS&S 3rd party research analyst firms as well as other EHS&S investors and partners in this space. Manish evaluates investment opportunities in specific companies, performs due diligence, and advises boards and management teams on improving their enterprise values. Along with MidOcean, he is the CEO & Chief Product Officer at Smart Data Science LLC and has years of hands-on practical experience leading AI/Big Data analytics/Geospatial/IIOT technology implementations in the EHS&S space.

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