Maureen McGeehan

Marketing Manager
DuPont Co.
Maureen McGeehan is a Marketing Manager in the DuPont Sustainable Growth Center with responsibility for assisting businesses with linking sustainability to their product offerings and value propositions. Prior to joining the Sustainable Growth Center two years ago, she held sales and marketing positions within a variety of DuPont businesses, including medical products, fibers and building products.

Ms. McGeehan has worked in a variety of roles for the DuPont, beginning with rotational assignments as part of the company’s six-year management training program. After completing the program, she assumed a sales position in DuPont Medical Products, followed by an assignment as Marketing Manager in the LYCRA® spandex business. She then moved into the DuPont Building Innovations business as a Residential Marketing Manager with responsibility for growing the Kitchen and Bath segment.

She is a former board member of the National Kitchen and Bath Association Board of Manufacturers and a former member of the Home Improvement Research Institute board. She holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Science from Drexel University in Philadelphia.

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