Robert Ettinger
Principal Environmental Engineer
Geosyntec Consultants Inc.
Mr. Ettinger has extensive experience in assessing potential subsurface vapor intrusion to indoor air associated with former and current gasoline retail and distribution, petroleum pipeline, and petrochemical manufacturing facilities. This experience includes managing human health risk assessments, designing and implementing groundwater and soil vapor remediation systems, leading negotiations with regulatory agencies on behalf of individual companies, and developing risk-based strategies for corporate environmental liability and business management initiatives.His contributions to advancing the state of the practice began with his co-authorship of the Johnson and Ettinger (1991) algorithm for evaluating subsurface contaminant vapor intrusion to indoor air. During the past 15 years, additional contributions have been made through field investigations and modeling evaluations on subsurface contaminant vapor intrusion to indoor air. His work is widely cited by regulators and industry groups as the reference point for beginning vapor intrusion assessments. Mr. Ettinger has published numerous articles on chemical vapor intrusion, environmental fate of volatile chemicals, and design considerations for groundwater and soil vapor extraction systems.