Tim Mann
Director, Environmental Governance & Product Stewardship, Corporate Environmental Affairs
IBM Corp.
Tim joined IBM in 1983 after receiving Bachelor’s and Master’s Degrees in Chemical Engineering from the Georgia Institute of Technology. Since joining IBM, Tim has held a number of positions, primarily focused on environmental programs, requirements,
and compliance. He currently manages the team on IBM’s Corporate Environmental Affairs Staff that is responsible for environmental governance issues, client and investor environmental inquiries, and IBM environmental disclosures (e.g., website,
annual environmental and corporate responsibility reports). Tim is also responsible for developing positions and directing IBM environmental advocacy efforts related to laws, regulations and standards governing environmental disclosure and product
environmental requirements.
Tim led the creation and implementation of IBM’s product stewardship and design for environment programs in the early 1990s and is an expert in design for environment issues related to production and manufacturing of electronic products. He is well versed in environmental legislation, product assessment and labeling programs with extensive knowledge of Life Cycle Assessment methodologies and their application to electronic products.
Tim led the creation and implementation of IBM’s product stewardship and design for environment programs in the early 1990s and is an expert in design for environment issues related to production and manufacturing of electronic products. He is well versed in environmental legislation, product assessment and labeling programs with extensive knowledge of Life Cycle Assessment methodologies and their application to electronic products.