
Travis Kline

MEM, Senior Toxicologist
Travis Kline oversees AlterEcho's Toxicology and Risk Assessment practice, leading a team of human health and ecological risk assessors to deliver practical risk management strategies and solutions for clients.

He has served as an expert consultant to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, providing senior oversight and negotiation support for investigation, remediation, land reuse and resource management projects nationwide. He was selected by the EPA to oversee the national external peer review of its Human Health Risk Assessment Protocol for Hazardous Waste Combustion Facilities (HHRAP), which serves as the agency's de facto guide for risk assessment.

When he is not busy reading toxicology reports and protecting human health, he tries to keep pace with two active sons and a wife who has discovered triathlons. He is active with the National Ski Patrol as a regional examiner and ski racer, and tries to spend the rest of the year on his bike.

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