• 2023 EHS & Sustainability Salary Report

    In partnership with EHSCareers, NAEM presents results from the 2023 EHS&S Salary Survey, featuring detailed analyses of how compensation is affected by education, certifications, career stage, and industry.
  • How COVID-19 Is Impacting the EHS Function: The First Industry Benchmark


    Learn how other companies have reacted to the COVID-19 pandemic and how it has impacted their EHS operations, based on a quantitative benchmarking survey, interviews, and facilitated group discussions.

  • 2020 EHS&S Staffing, Structure & Budget Report

    Are you looking to optimize and reorganize your EHS & Sustainability team? Read NAEM's 2020 report to benchmark how other companies are staffing, structuring and budgeting for their EHS&S departments.
  • 2020 EHS & Sustainability Salary Report

    Compare your compensation package and arm yourself with the market knowledge needed to negotiate a competitive salary.
  • Ready, Set, Implement: How to Successfully Deploy an EHS&S Software System

    Based on in-depth interviews with corporate EHS&S professionals and implementation partners, this report will map the steps you should take to achieve implementation success.
  • Staying Ahead of the Curve

    This report is based on in-depth interviews with corporate EHS&S executives and industry consultants, offering concrete recommendations you can use to audit, build, or strengthen your EHS compliance management program.
  • Careful Management Helps a Legacy System Withstand the Test of Time

    This case study explains how Abbott Laboratories has maintained engagement with, and grown the relevancy of, its legacy data management system.
  • 2016 EHS&S Staffing, Structure and Budgets Benchmark

    This report provides a benchmark for the organizational structure, staffing levels, and responsibilities of the function that supports the company's EHS&S goals.
  • Planning for a Sustainable Future (2016)

    Find out which issues and challenges will shape EHS&S Management in 2016 and beyond. Based on in-depth interviews with those on the leading edge of corporate sustainability, this report outlines the ideas that are on the minds, if not yet in the budgets of, EHS&S leaders today.
  • The Energy-Water Nexus

    This report explains the interdependent relationship between energy use and water use, with an eye to the business case for a systems approach to managing these resources. It also identifies strategies you can use to mitigate risks to your operations, based on case studies from peers.
  • Planning for a Sustainable Future (2014)

    Based on in-depth interviews, this report analyzes the environmental sustainability initiatives that will shape the corporate agenda.
  • 2012 EHS&S Staffing & Structure Benchmark Report

    See how your organization's staffing, structure, salaries and budgets compare to your peers. This comprehensive report provides more than 60 charts that allow you to benchmark your function based on industry, revenue, headcount and risk profile. It also documents the scope of EHS responsibilities, including the evolving role of the EHS manager in the execution of corporate sustainability initiatives.

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