Setting Corporate Science-Based Targets
Has your company set corporate sustainability goals, but is now looking to transition towards science-based targets? Through a mix of corporate case studies, subject matter expert training and peer-to-peer engagement, get tools and tactics for setting a science-based target while also garnering stakeholder support.Thursday, Aug. 6: Kick-Off
2:00 - 4:15 p.m. ET
In this opening session, meet the facilitators and your fellow Solve-It group members, as well as get homework to get you started on your journey.
2:00 - 4:30 pm ET
Take a deep dive on the elements of a science-based target and the steps to set a target that is supported company-wide.
2:00 - 3:30 p.m. ET
Get a dedicated focus on your individual challenges from your peers, and share your insights to guide others towards a solution.
2:00 - 4:30 p.m. ET
Review your action plan and discuss biggest takeaways from the Solve-It series.
Make plans to stay connected with your new network of sustainability leaders.
2:00 - 4:15 p.m. ET
In this opening session, meet the facilitators and your fellow Solve-It group members, as well as get homework to get you started on your journey.
- Presentation: Introduction to Science-Based Targets
Jess McGlyn, Interim Director Corporate Engagement; Science Based Targets Network
Samantha McCraine, Technical Coordinator; Science Based Targets Network - Insights into how the expectations for corporate sustainability goals are changing
- A holistic view of the SBT Initiative, what’s happening today and how it is expanding
- Key preparatory steps an internal leader should take to set an SBT
2:00 - 4:30 pm ET
Take a deep dive on the elements of a science-based target and the steps to set a target that is supported company-wide.
- Presentation: Setting a Climate SBT
Alicia Gorecki, Regional Lead, Commit to Action; CDP - Specific steps for setting a climate SBT
- Internal management and common pitfalls to avoid
- Industry-specific considerations
- Facilitated Q&A with presenters
- Presentation: Seeing the Bigger Picture: How Science-Based Targets are Expanding Beyond Carbon
Christina Copeland, Senior Manager; CDP
Kari Vigerstol, Director of Water Security Science & Innovation; The Nature Conservancy - The progress of the Science-Based Targets Network to date, and insights into the Science-Based Target Network’s Freshwater Hub
- Understanding how to implement water programs that will mitigate risk to supply chain and business continuity
- How operational water conservation and management efforts fit into a strategic view of water
2:00 - 3:30 p.m. ET
Get a dedicated focus on your individual challenges from your peers, and share your insights to guide others towards a solution.
- Listen to fellow members and understand the challenges they face when setting a SBT
- Give best practices or insights to fellow members to help them manage challenges
- Receive advice from fellow members to address specific challenges
2:00 - 4:30 p.m. ET
Review your action plan and discuss biggest takeaways from the Solve-It series.
- Reflections & Action Plan
- Share biggest takeaways from the Solve-It experience
- Discuss how the series has contributed to their corporate programs or goals
- Establish goals or intention of next steps now that the series has concluded
- Celebration & Networking Activity: Members celebrate the conclusion and completion of the Solve-It series by participating in a networking activity.
Make plans to stay connected with your new network of sustainability leaders.