Maximizing Sustainability Reporting
Solve-It GroupJoin the Sustainability Reporting Solve-It Group
Add clarity, focus and effectiveness to your external ESG and sustainability reporting efforts.Join this Solve-It for a deep dive into strategic sustainability and ESG reporting. From CDP and GRI to SFDR, DJSI and TCFD, this NAEM Solve-It group helps you untangle the alphabet soup and empowers you to take your sustainability and ESG reporting program to the next level with confidence.
Learn from corporate peers managing comprehensive, mature reporting programs and receive guidance on ESG and Sustainability strategy and reporting from expert facilitators during this 4-week, collaborative problem-solving experience. All attendees come away with customized advice for their sustainability and ESG reporting programs.
Sustainability and ESG Reporting Solve-It Objectives
What you can expect by joining:- Gain a comprehensive understanding of the Sustainability and ESG reporting landscape
- Learn how to build or improve internal systems to deliver high quality data and effective reporting
- Get advice on your most pressing ESG and Sustainability reporting questions and challenges
- Get your questions answered about different reporting frameworks, raters/rankers & reporting best practices
- Understand how corporate ESG and sustainability data is being used by investors and stakeholders
- Be able to articulate the benefits and opportunities of external reporting to your senior management
- Build a lasting network of peers & experts for ongoing problem-solving and support
- Peer & Expert discussion panels
- Informational Presentations (Training Sessions)
- Access to & Engagement with Subject Matter Experts
- Peer Advice Sessions that Utilize a Proprietary Facilitation Model
Session 1 – Wednesday, August 11, 2021, 1:00 – 2:30 p.m. ET
- Solve-It Kick-off: Meet the Cohort

Mary House
Director of Technical Practice
Woodard & Curran

Paul Norian
Senior Client Manager
Woodard & Curran
- Introductory Presentation: A Look at the Rapidly Evolving ESG & Sustainability Reporting and Regulatory Landscape This introductory presentation will review the external ESG Landscape in detail with special focus on recent and upcoming changes to how governments and institutions are encouraging or requiring companies to report on their ESG and sustainability performance. Come away with a sense of the key ESG information requesters and how they fit into the reporting ecosystem of frameworks, raters, and analytics researchers.

Rick Love
Senior Consultant
Woodard & Curran

Matthew Jones
Meteorologist & Project Manager
Woodard & Curran

Martin Booher
BakerHostetler Law
Session 2 – Wednesday, August 18, 2021, 1:00 – 3:00 p.m. ET
- Expert Panel:
Making the Business Case for Reporting and Transparency Corporate Transparency is a trend that shows no signs of slowing. Sustainability leaders who understand and can articulate the value of transparency
to their business will continue to be in high demand. This panel of veteran Corporate sustainability leaders will share their stories of how they were able to successfully advance strategic corporate Sustainability and ESG reporting and what tips
and tactics they suggest for gaining senior executive buy in for transparency and proactive reporting.

Sharon Basel
Senior Manager, Sustainability Reporting & ESG Strategy
General Motors

Sherri Livengood
Director, Environmental Affairs

Tanis Marquette
Sustainability Director
PQ Corp.

Yolanda Pagano
Director, Corporate Sustainability and Environment
Moderated by:
Mary House,
Director of Technical Practice; Woodard & Curran
Paul Norian,
Senior Client Manager; Woodard & Curran
- Peer-Advisory Experience Part 1; Using a proprietary facilitation model, each attendee will present a question, challenge or proposed policy/practice then receive focused input and advice from the Cohort.
Mary House,
Director of Technical Practice; Woodard & Curran
Paul Norian,
Senior Client Manager; Woodard & Curran
Session 3 – Wednesday, September 1, 2021, 1:00 – 3:00 p.m. ET
- Peer-Advisory Experience Part 2; Using a proprietary facilitation model, each attendee will present a question, challenge or proposed policy/practice then receive focused input and advice from the Cohort.
Mary House,
Director of Technical Practice; Woodard & Curran
Paul Norian,
Senior Client Manager; Woodard & Curran
- Expert Panel: Key Questions to Answer as you Prepare Your Internal Systems and Data Infrastructure To be an Effective and Efficient Reporter
ESG & Sustainability reporting isn’t possible without good internal systems. This presentation will look at key features of good internal ESG data and reporting systems and help participants think through questions related to data quality, third party verification, and auditing.

Mike Morgan
Director - Environmental and Sustainability Programs
Signature Aviation

Rick Love
Senior Consultant
Woodard & Curran

Alicia Meads
Manager, Legislative Affairs
CF Industries
Session 4 – Wednesday, September 8, 2021, 1:00 – 3:30 p.m. ET
- Peer-Advisory Experience Part 3; Using a proprietary facilitation model, each attendee will present a question, challenge or proposed policy/practice then receive focused input and advice from the Cohort.
Mary House,
Director of Technical Practice; Woodard & Curran
Paul Norian,
Senior Client Manager; Woodard & Curran
- Expert Panel: Who is Using Your Corporate Sustainability and ESG Data and How are They Using it?
Hear from a panel of corporate reporting leaders and ESG analytics experts as they discuss how corporate data is being used to influence investment decisions and paint a narrative of a company’s responsibility profile. Special attention will be given to opportunities corporate reports have to influence or impact the use of their data and shape their public narrative and when it makes sense to invest that effort.

Yusuf George
Managing Director, Programs & Strategic Engagement
JUST Capital

Sandy Nessing
Managing Director, Corporate Sustainability
American Electric Power

Daniel Nielsen
Head of Product Management, ESG Indexes
- Solve-It Key Takeaways; Group discussion on key take-aways and applied learnings
- Solve-It Wrap-up