Get Real! How to Stop Talking EHS Culture and Start Talking Organizational Culture
Many companies are exploring strategies to embed EHS into organizational culture, with the goal of removing barriers and driving significant improvement.
However, many such approaches feature a "Safety/EHS First" message, which in fact can have the opposite effect, build barriers between EHS and Operations. This can lead to a constant struggle for attention and hurt the overall organization.
This presentation will demonstrate why taking a unified approach where EHS is actually integrated into the organizational systems will prevent a lot of future challenges, and produce a return on investment much more quickly and efficiently. Safety/EHS is not 1st, it should be equal to operations and quality. The trick is how to balance them.
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What you will learn
- Balance: A clearer understanding of what an EHS culture is and how embedding it into the organizational culture will lead to significant improvements.
- Challenges and Solutions: A discussion about common "culture killers" and controls that can be put in place to prevent them.
- Resources: Sharing of examples of best practices and valuable resources.