Insights From a 5-Year Journey in Global EHS Transformation
Learn how CIRCOR International, a global industrial manufacturer, transformed its EHS performance by aligning employee-engagement with safety leadership and how they have mobilized the workforce to lead with "safety first" when it comes to operational
and business decisions.
Hosted by NAEM and ProcessMAP
Hosted by NAEM and ProcessMAP
Start date:
March 19, 2020, 02:00 PM ET
End date:
March 19, 2020, 03:00 PM ET
Perry Hawkins
Corporate Director – Environmental, Health, & Safety and Risk Management
CIRCOR International Inc.
What you will learn
- How CIRCOR International, a global industrial manufacturer, transformed its EHS performance by aligning employee-engagement with safety leadership
- How they have mobilized the workforce to lead with "safety first" when it comes to operational and business decisions.
Length: 60 min
Cost: Free for members; $49 for non-members