Leveraging Leadership Metrics and Goals to Drive World-Class EHS&S Programs
How do successful companies find balance between external metrics and internal goals? In this webinar you will hear industry leaders describe how they set program performance goals versus those focused at the site level. You'll also learn best practices for integrating global EHS goals into your business management systems.
To download as a non-member, please email programs@naem.org.
Start date:
December 16, 2014, 03:30 PM ET
End date:
December 16, 2014, 05:00 PM ET
Steve Sacco
Senior Vice President of Environment, Health, Safety & Sustainability
Schneider Electric SE
What you will learn
- Best practices for integrating global EHS goals into business management systems
- How to maintain high-performance EHS programs in the face of budget constraints and competing priorities
- How to set external-facing goals that will have impact on internal performance
Length: 90 min
Cost: Free for Members, $149 for Non-members
EHS Compliance
EHS Metrics
EHS&S Strategy
Global EHS
Goals and Metrics
Goals and Reporting
Management Strategy
Management Systems
Sustainability Management
EHS Metrics
ESG Reporting
External Reporting
Goals and Metrics
Key Performance Indicators
Management Systems
Metrics and Reporting
Sustainability Goals
Sustainability Metrics