Managing Your EHS&S Risks: Effective Tools for Evaluating and Prioritizing Risks within your Company
What is risk? Every company has a different risk philosophy and level of materiality. This webinar will provide the real-world experiences of our panelists in applying a variety of tools and techniques for evaluating, measuring and prioritizing EHS&S risks. The speakers will describe the methods they used for identifying risks and implementing effective solutions that both improved operations and met company goals.
To download as a non-member, please email programs@naem.org.
Start date:
January 16, 2018, 01:00 PM ET
End date:
January 16, 2018, 02:30 PM ET
Dennis W. McKinney
Senior Director, Corporate EHS and Global Citizenship
Fortune Brands Home & Security Inc.
What you will learn
- A variety of tools and techniques for evaluating, measuring and prioritizing risk
- How to implement effective solutions for improved operations and to meet company goals
Length: 60 Minutes
Cost: FREE for Members, $149 for Non-Members
Risk Management