New Ozone NAAQS: What it Means for New and Existing Industrial Facilities
New primary and secondary ozone national ambient air quality standards (NAAQS) were finalized on December 28, 2015 by the USEPA. Nationwide, numerous counties are expected to be designated as non-attainment (NA) areas in the next 2-3 years.
Such designation will trigger control and permitting requirements from the State Agencies for ozone precursors - namely nitrogen oxides (NOx) and volatile organic compounds (VOC). These precursors are emitted from diverse facilities such as oil and gas, chemical, petrochemical, manufacturing, paper and pulp, and electric utilities.
Companies will need to understand the requirements for the new ozone NAAQS to plan for these changes and ensure compliance.
To download as a non-member, please email programs@naem.org.
What you will learn
- An overview of the ozone NAAQS
- How to plan for more stringent control requirements
- How to plan for complex air permitting in ozone NA areas