Planning for a Sustainable Future: The Ideas that Will Shape EHS & Sustainability Management in the Year to Come (2014)
This presentation of results from NAEM's "Planning for a Sustainable Future" report will identify the organizational priorities for leadership companies as well as the emerging issues that are on the horizon. This one-hour webinar will also feature insights from report participants.
To download as a non-member, please email programs@naem.org.
Start date:
February 11, 2014, 01:00 PM ET
End date:
February 11, 2014, 02:00 PM ET
What you will learn
- What are the organizational priorities for leadership companies around EHS and sustainability management?
- Which emergent issues are on the minds, if not yet in the budgets of, leadership companies?
- How are companies collaborating to solve the greater environmental issues?
- What is driving the increase in supply chain transparency?
Length: 60 min
Cost: FREE!
Sustainability Management