Improve Enterprise Risk Management With Systems Thinking and New Technology
Enterprise risk management is on every EHS&S professional's radar. But can you truly be managing enterprise-wide risk if assessments and corrective actions are implemented in silos? Learn how different parts of an organization can function systemically, how to create a holistic portrait of risk using metrics from across your company, and how effectively some of today’s technologies can mitigate risk.
Start date:
November 21, 2019, 02:00 PM ET
End date:
November 21, 2019, 03:00 PM ET
What you will learn
- Why a systems approach improves risk and safety management
- How to implement an enterprise-wide, systems-level approach to improve safety
- How some organizations are using such technologies to provide un-hackable systems monitoring while also giving a bird’s-eye view of combined data from all silos
Length: 60 min
Cost: Free for members; $49 for non-members