Cultivating a Meaningful Career through Passion, Professional Development and Perseverance
ArticleAs the Director of Global Retail Environmental Health & Safety at The Estée Lauder Companies, Drena Howard's passion for her work and leadership savvy have made her a rising star in the EHS&S profession. In the following interview, which also appeared on CSRwire's Talkback blog, she described the skills in her toolbox and how she invests in her professional development to advance her effectiveness. -
How a Strong Personal Brand can Make You a More Effective EHS&S Leader
ArticleIn this interview, personal branding expert Tareaz Pegues explains what a personal brand is, and why it's a topic every aspiring EHS&S leader should be thinking about. -
L. Hunter Lovins: Ordinary People can Drive Extraordinary Change
ArticleReal leadership is extraordinary courage by ordinary people. -
Lessons from History: Harnessing the Power of Conversation
ArticleThere is no escaping the power of personal relationships. -
Sustainability in a Nutshell: An Expert's Guide to the Key Resources in the Field
ArticleLeo Raudys shares key tips from his book "The Cheap Guide to Sustainability and Corporate Social Responsibility." Raudys has worked in several sectors of the economy as a regulator, policymaker and Senior Director of Environmental Sustainability. -
Navigating Merger Mania
ArticleThis past year was a big one for mergers and acquisitions, as companies strive to become more viable in the turbulent global marketplace. -
Professionals with Leadership Skills Make Better Industrial Hygienists
ArticleNot all environmental health and safety (EHS) professionals are industrial hygienists but some of the most successful industrial hygienists (IH) share a core skill set with EHS professionals, according to NAEMs "Career Profiles" research, which included survey responses from the members of the American Industrial Hygiene Association (AIHA). -
Picking our Leaders is Both a Privilege and a Responsibility
ArticleWhat defines a great President? What in turn defines a great man? Can you fail at being the "finest man" and still be a great President...a great leader? What does it take to be great at both? -
Confronting the Culture of the "Big Me" Inside our Companies
ArticlePeople consistently yearn to be part of great organizations where they are respected and their talents are valued,developed and rewarded. But unfortunately, we seem unable or unwilling, according to Gallup, to elevate the number of "engaged" employees beyond 30 percent in the United States. -
Product Stewardship Programs Introduce New Challenges for EHS Professionals
ArticleTom Grumbles, Sr. Safety, Health and Environmental Specialist at Sasol North America, is among the growing number of EHS professionals members who are creating structure around these programs. He spoke with us this week to discuss how companies are managing product stewardship programs and what the American Industrial Hygiene Association's Product Stewardship Society is doing to to help these programs succeed. -
The 'Hard' Stuff is Easy, the 'Soft' Stuff is Hard
ArticleIn any human endeavor, getting the optimum out of all these flow charts, work processes, team strategies still depends upon the confidence, tenacity, optimism and enthusiasm of the players. We all have our own thoughts on what constitutes the key attributes of successful teams and the characteristics of effective team players. -
Is Pressure the Enemy of Success?
ArticlePressure undermines our performance and should be regarded as an enemy of success. -
Career Success Begins with Asking for What You Want
ArticleBuilding a successful career, according to Kathrin Winkler, Chief Sustainability Officer at EMC Corp., is akin to a line she once read in a Japanese mystery: "The Gods will decide, but you have to put yourself in the way of the Gods." -
Is There Room for a Romantic In Business?
ArticleCan an enriching work experience be described in the same terms we'd use to describe a romantic relationship? -
Profile of an Environmental Leader: Kris Morico, General Electric Co.
ArticleAs part of our on-going conversation about the path to leadership, we recently spoke with Kris Morico, Global Leader of Environmental Programs for General Electric Co. and a member of the NAEM Board of Directors. She shared how she got her start in environmental management and the attributes that lead to her success. -
Can Reframing Old Business Beliefs Drive Employee Engagement?
ArticleThe role of a leader therefore is not to dangle all sorts of carrots and sticks before people but to create a work environment where people naturally thrive and flourish. -
The Fear of Feedback
ArticleWe live in a world of feedback. We get it and give it most of our lives. -
Lies Leaders Love
ArticleIn his book, "Impact: Great Leadership Changes Everything," psychologist Tim Irvin suggests that power in some form can breach the containment walls of our value system and sadly, self-deception occurs. From his research there are "Lies" he lists that can ensnare each of us if we’re not careful. -
Ready, Aim, Communicate: Five Tips for Effective Engagement
ArticleTo understand how to effectively leverage communications to build a strong EHS culture, we spoke with Steve David, Senior Manager of Air Strategy at The Mosaic Co. He gave us his tips for making sure the message hits the mark. -
From King to Coach
Article“What we’re seeing now is really the official transition from the “king” style of leadership to the “coach” style of leadership….Now it’s not the top person, it’s the team that’s important.” -
Here Comes the Ampersand
Article -
Getting Ready to Go