Measuring the Effectiveness of Your Training Program

When I talked to my colleagues, I found out I wasn’t alone. All of us were evaluating whether participants valued the training and whether they actually learned. Beyond that, many of us also struggled with having the time or resources to evaluate whether our training was having a positive effect on safe work performance or contributing to the success of our organizational goals.
As I began to research the topic of training evaluation, I discovered that there was one dominant model used to evaluate training effectiveness. It is the Kirkpatrick Model. In short, the Kirkpatrick Model is built around a four-step process, in which each step (or level) adds precision, but also requires more time-consuming analysis and greater cost.
The following is a brief overview of each step:
Level One: Evaluating Reactions: Measures how participants value the training. Determines whether participants were engaged, and whether they believe they can apply what they learned.
- Evaluation tools include end-of-course surveys that collect whether participants are satisfied with the training, and whether they believe the training is effective.
- Evaluation tools include:
- Pre-test and post-tests and quizzes
- Observation (i.e. Did person execute a particular skill effectively?)
- Successful completion of activities
- Evaluation tools include:
- Work observation
- Focus groups
- Interviews with workers and management
- Evaluations include:
- Measure reduction in number, or severity, of incidents or accidents compared against the organization's performance (or contract goals).
- Measure reduction in total recordable cases (TRC)
- Measure reduction in DART rate (days away, or restricted work)
James Basore will share more details about his training approach in the "Driving Success Through Effective and Efficient EHS Training" session at NAEM's EHS Management Forum on Oct. 17-19 in Naples, Fla.
About the Author
James Basore
James Basore is the Training Manager for the Environment Health and Safety Division at the Department of Energy's Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. He is also a member of the University of California's System-wide Training and Education Working Group, and the Department of Energy's Cross-complex Learning and Training Team. Both are focused on improving the efficiency and efficacy of ES and H training within their respective ecosystems.