Here Comes the Ampersand
BlogThe emergence of sustainability as a business management paradigm is transforming what NAEM members do, where they sit, and yes, the number of ampersands in their titles. -
How Bentall Kennedy is Engaging Employees to Deliver Client Value
BlogBuildings account for 39% of annual electricity usage in the United States, and as one of North America's largest real estate investment advisers, Bentall Kennedy has committed itself to reducing that impact. In addition to incorporating sustainability into investment decisions, the company has also worked to engage its employees. Learn what the company has achieved and where it plans to go next. -
Businesses Need to Begin Preparing for Sea Level Rise
BlogSea level rise is now moving the shoreline inland, posing new challenges for businesses and communities. John Englander, author of "High Tide on Main Street," illuminates the business risks and makes the case for 'intelligent adaptation'. -
Finding a Winning Formula for Employee Engagement
BlogTo create a culture of sustainability, companies must invite participation from employees at every level of the organization. Doing this, however, is easier said than done. Where do you begin? How do you effectively communicate with employees? And how do you measure results? -
The Timeless Responsibilities of Leaders
BlogAs I write this blog, the business press is again filled with details of corporate America responding to decreased profits by significantly reducing its headcount. The now familiar cycle takes another turn..profits down, headcount cut, stock price up, employee morale dashed. -
Adaptation to Sea Level Rise Should Begin Today
BlogJohn Englander discusses his best-selling book, "High Tide on Main Street," and what businesses can do to begin preparing for sea level rise today. -
Leveraging the Power of HR to Create a Sustainability Culture
BlogBuilding a sustainable organization is as much about changing behaviors and shaping culture as it is about developing green products. -
Identifying the Sustainability Risks Along Your Supply Chain
BlogWhen it comes to reducing waste, water use and energy consumption along your supply chain, where do you even begin? -
Aligning Environmental Metrics with Business Performance
BlogIn spite of all of this progress, environment and business are still viewed as separate topics with separate (albeit more closely related) goals. The actual intersection at which good environmental and business practices become one - the point at which they become truly aligned - has eluded us. -
“Not On My Watch”: How Sandy Stash Found Career Success by Leading Change in Challenging Environments
BlogA petroleum engineer by training, Sandy Stash was one of the first women to work as a drilling engineer and drilling rig foreman at ARCO locations across North America. Today she is the Global Senior Vice President of Health, Safety, Security, Environment and Operational Assurance at Talisman Energy. -
Leadership and Management: "It Takes Two"
BlogLearn about practicing both leadership and management, and discover the importance and necessity for an individual to have both in order to maximize effectiveness and efficiency. -
The Art of Selling Environment, Health and Safety
Blog SponsoredWe know that EHS programs don’t succeed without senior management support. But to gain this support, you must know how to sell your program, find out how by reading this post. -
The Most Important Weapon in the Sustainability Toolbox
BlogWhat is the most important skill sustainability professionals need to do their job? An understanding of lifecycle analysis? The ability to calculate a greenhouse gas inventory? A command of climate science? -
Aligning Sustainability Goals, Vocabulary
BlogThe first was that suppliers and utilities are in agreement that sustainability is a bottom line business issue. Suppliers and utilities said that if making changes to business practices improves their return on investment, they wouldn’t hesitate to do it. The second theme was the need for more consistency around the definition of sustainability. -
Transforming Sustainability Principles Into Sustainable Products
BlogFor Johnson & Johnson, EHS reviews are embedded in the new product development process. Learn how the company's product stewardship transforms sustainability principles into sustainable products. -
Engaging Employees Means Sparking Passion
BlogOne of the greatest leadership challenges we face continues to be the unlocking of human potential in our workplaces. “Organizations will never be fully capable until they are fully human”, proclaims Hamel. -
What We Can Learn From the Foxconn Factory Audit
BlogA 2012 Fair Labor Association audit of working conditions in a major electronics assembly plant in China turned up alarming conditions. Unfortunately, these issues are not limited to any one company or industry. What can we all learn from this experience? -
Inside the 2011 Newsweek Green Rankings
BlogJoining us for this audience Q&A are experts from Trucost and Sustainalytics. -
Making Room for Creative People in the Workplace
BlogLearn about navigating the demand for creativity in the workplace amidst work environments that are suppressing "human flourishing". -
Turning Environmental Metrics Inside Out
BlogI’ve been thinking about the enormous quantity of data that environmental, health and safety (EHS) managers have to collect in order to respond to environmental, social and governance (ESG) research surveys. I am convinced we are measuring the wrong things.