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The GreenTie Blog

Learn from authors whose work and thought leadership has advanced the professional practice of EHS & Sustainability management
  • Giving EHS Risk Equal Footing in Financial Discussions

    By: Rodney Canada
    April 13, 2015
    As an EHS professional, do you ever have difficulty pitching an EHS improvement project? Even in a strong safety culture company, how do you get the EHS projects to compete with the high-revenue capital projects?
  • Profile of an Environmental Leader: Kris Morico, General Electric Co.

    By: NAEM Staff
    February 19, 2015
    Kris Morico of General Electric shares how she got her start in environmental management and the attributes that lead to her success.
  • Andrew Winston Says It's Time for a "Big Pivot"

    By: NAEM Staff
    January 28, 2015
    Andrew Winston has a new message for business: It's time to broaden the aperture from quarterly earnings and internal metrics to creating long-term value and solving global environmental challenges.
  • No Matter the Position, EHS Professionals Need Leadership Skills to Succeed

    By: NAEM Staff
    December 23, 2014
    Hear about the set of leadership skills that NAEM discovered all EHS&S professionals need to be effective through their recent benchmark report, “Key Competencies for the EHS & Sustainability Profession”.
  • How Small Steps for Engagement Become Giant Steps for EHS at Toyota

    By: NAEM Staff
    October 13, 2014
    Building an engaged EHS culture may be the secret to successful program management, but how do you get started?
  • William McDonough Shares His Plans for the Next Industrial Revolution

    By: NAEM Staff
    October 7, 2014
    Learn about "cradle-to-cradle" design, how it relates to circular economy, and how these ideas can be incorporated into everyday business decisions.
  • Alcatel-Lucent's Commitment to Supply Chain Safety

    By: NAEM Staff
    September 29, 2014
    Alcatel-Lucent's senior director of EHS&S shares inisghts about the role of safety in the company's sustainability program, which includes a strong emphasis on supplier management.
  • Are Corporate Leaders Starting to Change Business As Usual?

    By: NAEM Staff
    September 22, 2014
    Learn how big corporations stay in touch with the demands of the wider stakeholders, and the impact an emphasis on social value creation could have on '‘'business-as-usual' in this discussion with Lucy Parker.
  • It's Time to Quantify the Economic Risks of Climate Change

    By: NAEM Staff
    September 8, 2014
    Learn the results from a groundbreaking report on the financial risks associated with climate change from Kate Gordon, Vice President & Director of the Next Generation’s Climate & Energy Program.
  • Evolving Your Metrics to Advance EHS Performance

    By: NAEM Staff
    August 6, 2014
    At NAEM’s Forum, Michelle Redfield, Director of Safety, Environment & Process Improvement at Schneider Electric, led a benchmarking discussion on the topic of evolving metrics to advance EHS performance. This interview provides an overview of the conversation.