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The GreenTie Blog

Learn from authors whose work and thought leadership has advanced the professional practice of EHS & Sustainability management
  • It’s Better to Be Kind Than Clever

    By: Alex Pollock
    March 27, 2019
    Better to Be Kind Than Clever
    There is no technological replacement for the truth that "people don't care what you know until they know you care." Maybe what separates exceptional EHS practitioners from "average" ones is that they care more.
  • Five Big Ideas From NAEM’s 2019 InnoTech Conference

    By: NAEM Staff
    March 18, 2019
    2019 Software, Innovation and Technology Showcase
    NAEM's Software, Innovation & Technology Showcase was filled with fresh ideas and a strong sense of what’s emerging among EHS&S software users today. Check out key takeaways on what it takes to effectively manage EHS&S data within companies today.
  • Effective EHS Programs are Integrated Across Functions, Silos

    By: Lissa Aquino
    March 4, 2019
    Effective EHS Programs Integrate Across Functions, Silos
    There's recognition that truly effective EHS programs are not isolated in a silo; they're embedded in the business.
  • Can Technology Help to Build a Culture of Safety?

    By: Peter Walsh
    February 27, 2019
    Can Technology Help to Build a Culture of Safety
    Technology is sometimes seen as a barrier or an alternative to safety culture programs, or as a tool for corporate control. Learn how technology is in fact a great force multiplier that can help drive strong engagement in behavioral safety programs.
  • Valuing the Voice of Experts

    By: Alex Pollock
    February 25, 2019
    The volume of information available on the internet does not separate meaningful knowledge from random noise, and does not differentiate "facts" from "alternative facts." How does this societal movement of devaluing expertise affect our ability as EHS professionals to do our jobs?
  • The Challenge of Managing 'Big' EHS&S Data

    By: Deborah Briggs
    February 19, 2019
    Deborah Briggs, Vice President EHS, Security and Facilities with Polaris Industries, Inc., describes the challenges of 'big data' management and how she focuses on what's important.
  • Introducing Mobile Apps at Arch Coal Inc.

    By: Arten Charles
    February 14, 2019
    Introducing Mobile Apps at Arch Coal Inc.
    Arten Charles, Environmental Information System Administrator at Arch Coal Inc., shares insights on how his company integrated a mobile inspection application into its existing software system.
  • How EHS&S Software is Improving Program Management and Communications

    By: Marc Juaire
    February 8, 2019
    EHS MIS Data Management
    Marc Juaire, Corporate Director of Environmental, Health, and Safety for Liberty Diversified International, describes how the introduction of an EHS&S software system has driven business value for his company.
  • The Key Components of a Successful EHS&S Software System

    By: Deborah Briggs
    February 6, 2019
    Deborah Briggs, Vice President EHS, Security and Facilities at Polaris Industries, Inc., describes the components of an effective EHS&S software system.
  • Why EHS&S Management is More Than Compliance Alone

    By: NAEM Staff
    January 29, 2019
    Why EHS&S Management is More than Compliance Alone
    Excelling at EHS management means participating in strategic conversations, responding to stakeholder inquiries, achieving consistent performance with limited resources, and much more.