FORUM21 | Gold Sponsorship

FORUM23: Gold Exhibitor Sponsorship

Gold Sponsorship Overview

This sponsorship includes opportunities for visibility at the conference along with a booth that will be in the section of the exhibit hall that has the second best placement. Plus, two complimentary registrations for your team to attend the event.

Sponsorship Benefits

  • 10'x10' booth with the second most prominent booth placement in the exhibit hall. View exhibit hall specs and map here
  • Company logo included in minimum of five electronics outreach announcements or as many marketing emails are left from when the sponsor signs on
  • Sponsor recognition in conference app with logo
  • Sponsorship recognition with logo in marketing emails, conference website and on-site
  • One reserved table (10 seats) during business-to-business luncheon at Forum
  • A Gold sponsor ribbon for all company representatives
  • Attendee list two weeks, one week and post conference (names, titles & companies only)
  • Two complimentary registrations (valued at $1,645-$2,245 per registration)


Affiliates Council Cost

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