IMPACT23 December Regional Event Prospectus

IMPACT24 Regional Event Application - September

Thank you for your interest in hosting an IMPACT24 September regional event on September 18, 2024. Forms will be approved on a rolling basis in a first come, first served order and no later than JULY XX, 2024. The latest date to submit a form is JULY XX, 2024. No more than one regional event will be approved per 200 mile radius.

Please review the regional event hosting requirements before filling out the form to confirm your company is able to meet them.

Contact Information



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Regional Event Host Company

Would you be interested in hosting with another company if you're not already (another company on the Affiliates Council, NAEM corporate member or both)?

Location, City, Date & Time of Regional Event & Networking Event


Other Logistical Details

If you’re approved to host a networking event, we will require that you provide a schedule for the event by DATE. You’ll have the option to play one or both of the sessions from the IMPACT24 September agenda at your event. You’ll also have the option to lead one or both of the breakout sessions on the IMPACT24 September agenda at your event. Please email any questions to

Get your message in front of NAEM's robust network of EHS&S professionals via the NAEM website (1,000+ impressions a week), email marketing list (20,000+ EHS&S professionals), and LinkedIn page (nearly 7,000 followers).

Email Sign Up